Monday, July 16, 2007

Give peace a chance; May peace prevail!!!

another day in the office and memories of 7/11 mumbai blast struck me suddenly at work , innocents people killed and mother waiting for her son to return from work who never turned up and wife waiting for her husband who she didnt see at all . Its' all the innocent lives who pay the price for somebodys mistake,

i was stressed in identifying the "somebody", who is this somebody? we the people , idotic politicans, some stupid poilcy maker, or some religious fanatic or senseless terrorist , who is resposbile for the killings of innocent people

May be We can sit back and relax and pray for everythin to be alright and pray to god that everyone living prevails with common sense , or we can start to act to preach peace , to one and all , world is full of controversies and its diffciult to adept a rational perspective in identifying whose right and whose wrong maybe we should learn to forgive more and give peace a chance .

The rulers and politicans are the one who could bring about a drastic change in the society to abolish violence ,nothin can compensate for the lives of the dear ones who suddenly dont exist in this world beacuse of somebody's mistake , the politican should wake up and start rewriting the poilcies
Our Prime Minister spent Mumbai-7/11's first anniversary reviewing the compensation (not) given to hundreds of victims- while that is overdue, perhaps a cogent terror policy is even more so.
May Peace prevails cheers Dubai

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