Monday, July 16, 2007

Tips for Killing Boredom

Another Day , Another Day , and things are starting to get bored as it is the midway of the week and i am tryin to get out of the daily chores; and seriously i am bored to the extent i played spider solitaire game like almost 42 times (45 times precisely ) and i thght would list out the ten things to do to kill boredom
10. Try to rip off closest piece of paper; see till how far can u go
9. Repeat the above until u built like a small hill of paper and hide something ther and pretend it doesnt exist
8. Start counting and see how far can u get ?
7. start playing chess in the computer against urself
6. try to score atleast a million points in tetris
5. buy a brand new CD and play them backwards to figure out the satanic message hidden in it for you
4. Try to find out all the digits of the pi
5. type something in the word and run a spell check and type some url and see what comes up
3. try to sing song backwards while they are playing poperly or try translating all the songs in the mother tongue to english
2. drink as many beers as possible till statue of liberty takes all the clothes off
1. Walk along any street and get every 13th person and hug them like they were your best friend. Continue along the street and keep doing this until you are finally arrested.
cheer Dubai

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